Course Category: Magic Pro - Fairly Easy


Using his incredible powers, the magician will unfasten the nuts from the bolts that cannot be touched as they are sealed in a bottle. As if this is not enough, the particular nuts that have been unscrewed by using only his telepathic powers, match exactly the colour that was chosen in secret by a spectator at the beginning of the trick.


This trick will enable you to perform four sensational magic tricks. A coin disappears from a transparent bag only to immediately re-appear on a magic mat. Then using two metal rings the coin will once again disappear, travel through space and re-appear under a glass.


Some truly unbelievable predictions are performed using a magic holder containing four playing card Queens. The magician is able to predict in advance, without any margin for error the favourite playing card of absolutely anyone in the audience.


With a cylindrical brass holder and a brass dice a remarkable telepathic experience is performed. No hidden secret can be detected even though the trick is performed right under the spectators noses.


Par la simple force de la pensée, des pièces de monnaie vont voyager dans l’espace pour passer d’un cylindre dans un autre ou bien encore plus incroyable pour voyager de la poche du magicien jusque dans un des cylindres !