Course Category: Magic Pro - Easy


A little wizard named Sam will come to life in cards like magic! Just strip the cards to make him move and take out of his chest the card that a spectator had secretly chosen. This trick is especially amazing since Sam can find any card in a game.


By simple contact, a black token and a white token change color to become 2 multicolored tokens. Thanks to a cleverly rigged material, we offer you to realize without any learning this super magic trick.


A stack of coins suddenly appears from nowhere, they then pass through solid matter, transform into coins of a different denomination and disappear from a spectators hand without leaving any trace. This is one of the best coin tricks ever to have been invented


A spectator securely fastens the magician’s wrists using a metal chain and a padlock. The magician however holds a fantastic secret which enables him to break free in no less than a fraction of a second. One of the most famous escapism tricks known today !


Three small balls with supernatural powers will pass one by one through the cups placed on the table. This is a very visual effect which is really incredible given that the cups and the balls are quite normal - A classic !


Le secret du Magic Led permet de faire surgir de nulle part une lumière au bout des doigts et de la faire voyager dans l’espace pour la faire réapparaître comme par miracle à l’intérieur de la bouche. Ceci n’est qu’un petit exemple de la multitude d’effets qu’il est possible de réaliser avec cet incroyable tour …

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